Our representatives in the UK

John Parr

MSc. PCM & PTM Certifying Master Trainer, CTA (Certified Transactional Analyst (Psychotherapy)

John has worked for many years as a training consultant to multinational organisations. He specialises in designing tailor-made training solutions for his client companies and is recognised for his work in the field of stress management. He is also interested in emotional intelligence and in human relationships in the work place. John’s first profession was electronic engineering and he has also been a Human Resource Manager in a multinational company. John has served on many international committees and has been a past Chair of the ITA (UK TA Association) a Past Vice-President of the ITAA (International TA Association) and a co-Chair of ITAA Ethics Committee. He has first-hand knowledge of working cross culturally having lived in Romania for six years, where he managed his consultancy business and also established a thriving new Transactional Analysis Community. He is the author of the latest PCM book ‘Parlez-vous Personality’.

Our representative in Italy

Pierluigi Andreassi

M.D., Psychiatrist, Certified PTM Trainer

Runs his private practice in Rome as a clinician and is founder of LifeLab (psychotherapy, body-work and meditation centre). His clinical training has its roots in Transactional Analysis, Systemic-relational theory and Gestalt Therapy. His practice includes psychiatric experience in inpatient emergency ward and outpatient counselling and territorial psychiatric task forces; psychiatric examiner for a branch of the Italian army. He is now beginning to offer his wide range of skills and knowledge in Human Behavioral Consulting to Industry.

David Westley

David has been a business consultant for thirty years, working with clients in the UK, Europe and the United States. He specialises in issues of leadership, mentoring, facilitation and transformational work within organisations.
David’s style of working has evolved through interest in varied sources of inspiration and learning in addition to rigorous traditional management development systems. He draws from areas as diverse as Transactional Analysis, Systems Theory, Gestalt, Humanistic and Cognitive Psychology.

Our representatives in Belgium

Nelly Micholt

TSTA (Teaching and Supervising Transactional Analyst) with clinical, educational & organisational specialisations.

Nelly is a trainer with an international reputation for excellence. She speaks Flemish, French and English fluently and several other languages well. Nelly has many years of experience in designing and delivering training programmes and is located in Brussels.

Our representative in Norway

Oddmund Teigen

TTA (Clinical) (Teaching Transactional Analyst)

Runs the pastoral counselling service in the psychiatric division of the third largest hospital in Norway. He also teaches and supervises clergy, health workers and professionals in organisational and educational fields, as well as offering group and individual psychotherapy.

Our representatives in Sweden

Sigvard Persson

Licensed psychologist, CTA (Clinical Transactional Analyst)

Has twenty years’ experience as head of treatment at a Therapeutic Community treating people with psychosis. He also has eight years’ experience in Bioenergetics and Psychodrama. Sigvard runs his own institute, TAIPU , offering education, psychotherapy, supervision and TA-training for groups and individuals for private companies and public health service.

Our representative in the USA

Kalman Kaplan Ph.D.

Licensed Clinical Psychologist

The author of TILT: Teaching Individuals to Live Together which is a model integrating transactional analysis and main-stream psychology around the twin issues of individuation and attachment. Both theoretical and applied, TILT simultaneously distinguishes walls from boundaries and needs from fears, delineating developmental and clinical axes at each life stage. Kal has recently been named co-recipient of the 1998 Alexander Gralnick Award of the American Association of Suicidology for the best original work on schizophrenia and suicide. Kal, in addition, specialises in Biblical psychotherapy and suicide prevention, has served on several editorial boards and has written a number of books on this theme. Recently, Kal has been studying the role of biomedical versus psychosocial factors in physician-assisted suicides.